Babson Skating Center, MA
Design-Build Engineer: GreenerU, Inc
Babson shoots and scores on the energy upgrade at the Skating Center with B|E Retrofit’s comprehensive weatherization design and installation services.
The Challenge
The Skating Center is a mixed-use office and rink facility that operates 365 days a year. The facility’s energy demands are hefty: refrigeration for the 200’x85’ ice surface, dehumidification for over 450,000 cubic feet as well as conflicting heating and cooling requirements for much of the year.
During our first site visit – a 95°F day in August – excessive fog and condensation in the rink made it clear that the mechanical equipment alone was not able to overcome the extreme loads in the building.
The Solution
A sophisticated building envelope retrofit design was required to isolate the different interior environments and block the major indoor-to-outside air leakage and heat loss pathways.
The success of the comprehensive retrofit was clear during a scorching hot summer day after the project was complete. On this return visit we found a dramatic change in the building; no fog cloud above the ice and a solid ice surface as a result of the building envelope measures installed.
- Closed cell spray polyurethane foam wall insulation (installed from the exterior)
- Compartmentalization of the office and locker room spaces from the rink
- Roof-wall intersection air sealing (installed from a 40’ articulating lift)
- Weatherization at doors, service penetrations and mechanical rooms
Download this Case Study.
Why B|E Retrofit?
Effective Design
A major improvement in the day-to-day performance of the facility was achieved through expertly designed, cost-effective weatherization measures.
B|E’s in-house installation staff transitioned to work the 3rd shift throughout the project due to the
6 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily use of the facility.
B|E’s easy-to-use reports, ongoing support with client requests and on-site project management allowed GreenerU to focus on the project’s other ECMs.
Don’t get fogged in by the hassle of weatherization. Call or email B|E today!